Success By 6’s guiding principles for working with Aboriginal communities:
- Mindfully recognize the diverse populations of First Nations and Aboriginal people in B.C., that includes urban Aboriginal and Métis;
- Support Aboriginal children and families through recognition of Aboriginal peoples’ right to self-determination and community driven approaches;
- Support the progress of the communities, local initiatives and provincial implementation team;
- Build on the strengths of existing relationships and partnerships
Success By 6 recognizes the importance of culture, language, self-determination and self-government to Aboriginal people in BC and is working with Aboriginal communities to enhance the lives of young Aboriginal children and their families.
In recognition of the diversity of Aboriginal people in BC, Success By 6 has begun implementing an Aboriginal Engagement Strategy & Framework designed to work with Aboriginal communities to increase representation in Success By 6 initiatives, strengthen community capacity, increase cultural awareness of Success By 6 partners, and promote awareness of the importance of the early years in the healthy development of children in communities.