A variety of sources have identified the need for a coordinated approach to Early Childhood Development [ECD] and a common evaluation framework – or a shared measurement approach.
There are advantages for both funders and agencies in using a common evaluation system. For funders, the advantages are that the system will provide:
- The provincial picture - a consistent accountability structure for measuring the outcomes of early childhood development programs province wide
- Reduced duplication of effort in designing evaluation systems amongst funders
- Information that will supplement Early Development Instrument [EDI] research - the EDI tells us about children's vulnerabilities, but for the most part we don't know how changes over time influence the EDI results.
- Data on outcomes that can provide evidence to support sustainable provincial funding for ECD, parenting and family support programs
For agencies, the advantages of a common evaluation system are:
- A simple, community based approach to program evaluation
- Systems that can assist with program planning and strengthening services
- Annual data that can demonstrate the impact of programs
- Reduction in the burden of reporting results to multiple funders