Throughout BC Success By 6 has supported the development of community Early Years Councils. There are approximately 120 in BC. These councils bring together local stakeholders from multiple sectors including health, education, community services, child care, business, recreation, municipalities and many others; to plan and improve service delivery for young children and their families.
Using research each community council develops a strategic plan and identifies priority areas of focus to work on collaboratively. In addition to providing funds for local early years programs and projects, the local councils carry out a wide range of activities. Each community is unique and so are the activities and priorities they work on.
Some examples of collaborative activities include:
- supporting service integration,
- identifying barriers and gaps in Early Years service development,
- developing public awareness campaigns,
- holding local health fairs,
- developing Aboriginal language and culture resources,
- gathering local research,
- creating a resource directory of early years services,
- planning Aboriginal cultural events,
- developing new playgrounds or community early years service hubs.
See our Regional Map here.