Regional Coordinator & Regional Aboriginal Engagement Coordinator
Joey Rudichuk
Phone: 778.214.0609
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Communities We Serve
Sandspit, Queen Charlotte, Skidegate, Tlell, Port Clements, Masset, Old Massett, Tow Hill
Supporting Children & Families in the Haida Gwaii Region
Each year our region celebrates the Early Learning Forum. This is a partnership between Success By 6 Haida Gwaii, School District 50 and Childcare Resource and Referral. The day’s events include a discussion of the Early Development Instrument results for the region as well as a special guest speaker who offers a workshop. Last year we had Monique Gray Smith speaking about fostering Resiliency in First Nations children.
This year Success By 6 Haida Gwaii is partnering with the Success By 6 initiatives from Prince Rupert and Terrace to create local calendars. The photos were gathered through a photo contest. The calendars should be available to families by early December.
Our Success By 6 is in the process of developing a Haida Longhouse Dollhouse as a way to promote culturally relevant play in our early years centres. There will be 10 of these dollhouses distributed free to Early Years organizations throughout the Haida Gwaii region. They will be built by local artist and craftsperson Arthur Pearson, and the dolls and accouterments will be created and decorated by local high school students.
This November Haida Gwaii will be launching a pilot training program in partnership with the Early Childhood Educators of BC. We will be hosting their Let’s Talk About Touching abuse prevention training offered to cross section of service providers including principals, kindergarten teachers, preschool and daycare workers, and Ministry of Children and Family Development staff.
Our Council of Partners
Our Success By 6 Haida Gwaii council of partners meets each month, except December, July and August to network, discuss strategic direction, funding allocation and decision making for the initiative.
Our Early Years Team meets 3 times per year to brainstorm and share. This is a great place to meet others involved in the early years, and to share ideas, funding possibilities and potential partnerships.
If you are interested in being part of either or both of these groups please contact Success By 6 Coordinator Alicia Embree for more info and to be added to the mailing list.