Regional Coordinator

Danella Parks

Phone:   250.385.6708


Regional Aboriginal Engagement Coordinator

Suzanne Jackson

Phone:  250.213.9875


Community Coordinators

Saanich, Sooke/Westshore:  Brianne Grant

Peninsula:  Janis Johnson

Esquimalt: Diana Bosworth

Gulf Islands: Julie Sweetnam

Stzuminus First Nation:   Carey Clint

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Communities We Serve 

Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich, Colwood, Esquimalt, Esquimalt First Nations Galiano Island, Highlands, Langford, Mayne Island, Metchosin, Milnes Landing, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Pacheedaht First Nations Pauquachin First Nations, Pender Island, Port Renfrew, Saanich, Salt Spring Island, Saturna Island, Scia'New First Nations, Sidney, Songhees First Nations, Sooke, Tsartlip First Nations, Tsawout First Nations, Tseycum First Nations, T'Souke First Nations, Victoria, View Royal

Supporting Children & Families in the South Vancouver Island Region

In April, the Peninsula Connections for Early Childhood hosts a family fair where local community agencies provide information sharing while children enjoy a host of free activities and healthy snacks.

1000x5 Book Recycling Project offers free books to children across our capital region.  To date over 119,000 books have been distributed to young children under the age of five.

Our Success By 6 supports Aboriginal cultural resources including a DVD, Teachings of a Half Boy, Granny and Grandpa Kits that are distributed free to Aboriginal organizations throughout the South Vancouver Island region.

A new logo for the Aboriginal council emerged using themes of Cultural Pride, Revitalization, Resiliency and Community and four different styles of BC First Nation designs: Raven (Northcoast), Eagle (Mid Coast), Killerwhale (Westcoast), and Wolf (Southcoast).  The rainbow of hands surrounding the child in the center symbolizes the whole community.  This logo represents all children, all families and all communities.